Why the Blue Lobster?
A Blue Lobster is a rare person who thinks, approaches life and views everything non-traditionally. They are a polymath, competent in both sciences and the arts. They makes change happen and positively impacts others --- I help companies find and nurture the Blue Lobsters in their organization and help individuals find the Blue Lobster in themselves.
Where did this blue-brained analogy come from? I spend my summers working from Pemaquid Harbor on Maine's craggy coast. Years ago, a college friend interned at the University of Maine's Darling Marine Center, where they study blue lobsters. Blue lobsters are about one in two million. When the Center finished their research, they dumped the adolescent blue lobsters into Pemaquid Harbor! Therefore, we tend to have more than one in two million blue lobsters.
To me, a blue lobster is a person who tends to view the world and organize it differently, who rejects the status quo, who love to try stuff, learn, fail and try again and who interesting because they are interested, and who have impact on their world.
Part of how I help companies sustainably grow is by helping them find the Blue Lobsters in their organization and become an organization that attracts Blue Lobsters. For individuals, I help them find their inner Blue Lobster. And for everyone, I help them find habitats that are conducive to finding high concentrations of Blue Lobsters!
Each Blue Lobster is unique - the coloring is different from one to another and each is gorgeous. Let me help you find Blue Lobsters! Once you know what to look for, you’ll see them in the most unusual and wonderful places.
Finding Blue Lobsters
In the summer of 2017 I had the pleasure of discovering a LIVE blue lobster at my local grocery store.
After getting some photos, of course we brought it to the dock and threw it right back in the ocean!
Jessica Esch
The Blue Lobster Illustrator!
Esch is a Maine writer and artist whose concise yet profound words and clean images have expanded people’s hearts, minds, and way of being in the world for more than 20 years. Curiosity, sense-making, and commitment to the common good underpin her work.
Esch co-founded Shinebolt in 2019 to take her work to the next level and shine a light on other artists. A Top 10 finalist for an international COVID-19 Design Innovation Grant, she created 58 illustrations encouraging people to stay home, wear a mask, and practice social distancing. The illustrations regularly run in Masthead Maine’s media outlets, including the Portland Press Herald. Her latest project, Fill in the Blanks, is a mashup of prose and design that creates a multi-sensory experience where words and found materials become meditative chants and unexpectedly beautiful.
In addition to creating The New York Gender Tally and co-founding HSBARS Worldwide, Esch champions Illustration Institute, Olympia Snowe Women’s Leadership Institute, and Portland Public Library. Her work has appeared in Space Gallery, the Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Harvard Ed., ARCADE, and The Sketchnote Handbook: The Illustrated Guide to Visual Note Taking.
Make a brighter world with Jess at shinebolt.com, jessicaesch.com, @jesch30 (Instagram/Twitter), and @jeschnotes (Facebook).
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